
We believe that heritage preservation makes sense, which is why we try to get children, adults and seniors excited about monuments and cultural heritage. Discovering the value of monuments and creating lasting relationships with them is the main goal of our courses, educational programs, workshops and other educational events for schools and individuals.

Department of Education and Further Education

Who and how we educate

We believe that heritage preservation makes sense, which is why we try to get children, adults and seniors excited about monuments and cultural heritage. Discovering the value of monuments and creating lasting relationships with them is the main goal of our courses, educational programs, workshops and other educational events for schools and individuals.

We educate a wide range of target groups, from professionals and conservationists to the public and school groups. We actively develop ordinary people's relationship with the heritage of the environment in which they live and work. Among professionals, we emphasize the maintenance of traditional crafts and technological practices. Last but not least, we target the younger generations through educational programmes at heritage sites.

We specialize in:

  • vocational education
  • education of the public
  • education at monuments
Nepodléhá CC

Mgr. Kateřina Samojská, Ph.D.

  • vedoucí oddělení
  • BE8524BE-6F17-4546-AA87-2998DE46E495 257 010 272, 778 716 567
46F7E700-59DD-49E2-B445-AA370B18658A Directorate-General
Liliová 219/5, Praha 11000

Division of Education

What we offer

We base our education at monuments on expert knowledge from various fields related primarily to monument care and effective pedagogical methods so that the conditions for lifelong learning are fulfilled. It is the pedagogical criteria that define the activities of the education department in all areas of education, both professional and for the general public.

From a pedagogical point of view, heritage education is a specific type of extracurricular education or leisure-time educational activity that not only takes place in an authentic historical environment, but also understands monuments and heritage care, or cultural heritage in its entirety, as its educational content. The main aim of heritage education is to develop a positive relationship between all generations and cultural and historical heritage. The methods of experiential pedagogy are significantly applied.


MgA. Naděžda Rezková Přibylová

  • lektor
  • BE8524BE-6F17-4546-AA87-2998DE46E495 775 873 239
46F7E700-59DD-49E2-B445-AA370B18658A Directorate-General
Hradecká 6/, Telč 58856

Technologická laboratoř

Technologická laboratoř představuje základní technologické zázemí pro péči o národní kulturní památky a další památky ve správě Národního památkového ústavu. Laboratoř se primárně orientuje na technologie a průzkumy historických stavebních materiálů, podle potřeby se však zabývá i ostatními materiály.