Ing. arch. Iveta Merunková, Ph.D.
- pracovník památkové péče
- 257 010 205, 725 358 456
In addition to specific sites, the national heritage care focuses on valuable parts of towns and villages, and also cultural landscape. These areas are protected generally, through heritage reserves and zones. The protection of these areas is part of the agenda of specialists in historic town planning and development.
The National Heritage Institute specialists provide free consultations not only to master plan authors and users but also to government bodies.
Expert activities are the same throughout the National Heritage Institute, yet the competences of the headquarters and the regional sites are different.
then all written statements related to the master planning are made by the National Heritage Institute headquarters.
then all written statements related to the master planning are made by the National Heritage Institute regional site.
* in case that the National Heritage Institute site makes a statement on the national cultural asset according to § 14 of Act No. 20/1987 Sb., on heritage care, as amended.
In case of important causes or doubts, it’s possible to seek advice from the National Heritage Institute headquarters, in addition to a regional site.
The specialists in town planning and development at the National Heritage Institute headquarters prepare written statements for the whole area of the Czech Republic, as the expert background for statements of authorities (i.e. for the Ministry of Culture, regional authorities, and municipalities). This agenda involves regional development, master planning, regulation plans and studies related to the heritage reserves, UNESCO locations and national cultural assets in the jurisdiction of the headquarters. The specialists take part in negotiations on these documents on all levels. They also prepare written statements regarding architectural and town-planning intentions, and project documentation on all levels including appeals. In cooperation with regional sites, they prepare background materials for the establishment of new heritage reserves, heritage zones and heritage protection zones, and make revisions of existing ones. They also take part in making background materials for analytic and research projects.
The town planning specialists from the headquarters provide methodological support and consulting for regional sites, and cooperate with different subjects that provide care for cultural heritage and historical town development.
For more information on heritage care and its people, see the pages focusing on consultations during the restoration of a heritage site.
The specialists at regional sites prepare written statements for their regions, as the expert background for statements of authorities (regional authorities, municipalities). This agenda involves regional development, master planning, regulation plans and studies related to the heritage zones and their protected areas in the jurisdiction of the relevant regional site. The specialists take part in negotiations on these documents on all levels.
The specialists also prepare written statements regarding architectural and town-planning intentions, and project documentation on all levels that are relevant for the heritage zones and their protected areas in the region. They also prepare background materials for the establishment of new heritage reserves, heritage zones and heritage protection zones, and provide revisions, specification and digitalization of existing ones. They also take part in making background materials for analytic and research projects.
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