National Cultural Heritage
The cultural heritage that forms the most important part of the nation’s cultural assets is designated, pursuant to § 4 of Act No. 20/1987, the national cultural heritage by the Government of the Czech Republic; the government also sets the terms of preservation of these assets. The proposal for designation is made by the Ministry of Culture, in cooperation with the National Heritage Institute.
Currently, more than 300 items (registry numbers) are listed in the Central List of Cultural Heritage. They include buildings, areas or movable items, or their sets, from the ancient items (archaeological site Dolní Věstonice, including the most important findings from the mammoth-hunting era, Celtic oppidum Závist etc.) via the heritage from the middle ages (Charles Bridge, Convent of St. Agnes, Pernštejn Castle or set of gothic sculptures) and modern times (Chateau Opočno, Riding School Světce u Tachova or Villa Tugendhat in Brno) to the heritage from the late 20th century (hotel and TV transmitting station at Ještěd near Liberec).
The monument fund