Projects and funding for research, development, and innovation

In addition to managing and administering castles, mansions and other historic buildings in the ownership of the state, the National Heritage Institute also has the status of a research organisation. This means it carries out research in a range of fields, with heritage management and conservation as the specialisation.

In addition to their main activities, specialists from the National Heritage Institute, on the basis of a decision by the Czech Culture Ministry, also engage in academic work and carry out basic and applied research. They cover a wide range of academic subjects in the fields of history, history of art, archaeology and so on, making use not only of their fndings from on-the-ground conservation work, but of their easy access to authentic material and well-functioning interdisciplinary cooperation.

Our research projects and tasks are financed by the Culture Ministry of the Czech Republic (Programme for Applied Research and Development in National and Cultural Identity – NAKI and Institutional Support for the Long-Term Conceptual Development of a Research Organisation – DKRVO). The second provider of finance is the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. In a number of cases we work together on research tasks with further organisations, institutions and academic establishments.

The results of our research – new approaches to heritage conservation, methodologies and publications – are used in the protection of cultural heritage. We present them at specialist conferences and at lectures for the general public, and we publish them in print and electronic form. We also offer some methodologies for downloading in our information system (MIS).

An overview of project results is provided in the Index of Information on Results (RIV). All those who take part in any of our research tasks should put their results into the RIV. Contact us and we will advise you on how to do so.

The National Heritage Institute’s plan for research development is part-shaped by a commission that falls under the institute’s research director. The task of this advisory organ is to collect and evaluate data on the National Heritage Institute’s research potential and to monitor the position and development of and conditions for research activity at various branches of the institute. It draws up proposals for the development of research at the institute, and recommends thematic priorities.