The Cultural Heritage of the Northern State Railway

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Regional Office in Ostrava
- Changing railway policy in the Habsburg Monarchy
- The creation of a railway network and main rail corridors
- Private companies build the first railways (1836–1841)
- The beginnings of the state railways (1841–1854/8)
- Changes in state railway policy – the sale of state railways to private capital (1854)
- The nationalization of the railway network and the creation of the Austrian State Railways (1884–1918)
Functional types of buildings and station configurations
- Terminal stations
- Through-traffic stations
- Island-type stations
- Classification and amenities of stations on the Northern State Railway
- Olomouc–Prague
- Brno–Česká Třebová
- Prague–Děčín
Architecture and typology of buildings
- Architecture and typology of buildings on the lines of the Northern State Railway
- The architecture of the State Railway Company (1854–1909)
- Passenger buildings of the nationalized Austrian State Railways (1909–1918)
- Passenger buildings after 1918
- Passenger buildings after 1945
- Train sheds and platform canopies
- Water towers
- Engine-houses, depots and workshops 3
- Guardhouses and signal boxes
Bridges, viaducts and tunnels
- Olomouc–Prague
- Brno–Česká Třebová
- Prague–Dresden
Catalogue of cultural monuments
- Bohušovice nad Ohří, passenger building and railway bridge
- Brno
- Brno-Obřany, tunnel no. 1 (the Obřany tunnel)
- Česká Třebová
- Děčín
- Dolní Zálezly
- Hevlín
- Hoštejn
- Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou
- Choceň
- Letovice
- Lovosice
- Moravské Bránice, Ivančice viaduct
- Olomouc
- Olomučany, tunnel no. 8/1 (the Novohradský tunnel)
- Pardubice
- Prague-Bubeneč
- Prague-Bubny
- Prague 9 – Hloubětín, railway viaduct
- Prague – Masaryk Station and the Negrelli viaduct
- Prague-Sedlec, railway viaduct and Podbaba halt
- Roztoky u Prahy
- Skalice nad Svitavou
- Střelice
- Sudislav nad Orlicí – guardhouse
- Štěpánov
- Ústí nad Orlicí
- Ústí nad Orlicí město, passenger building
- Úvaly, railway viaduct
- Zábřeh na Moravě
- Zámrsk
- Znojmo, viaduct
Stations on the lines of the former northern state railway
Literature and sources