Science and Research

In 2009, the National Heritage Institute (NPÚ) was granted the status of a research organisation by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and in 2017 it was registered on the List of Research Organisations maintained by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The performance of basic and applied research tasks is one of the main activities of the National Institute of Education and Research. Conceptually and systematically carried out scientific research activities with high innovative potential are a prerequisite for qualified selection and legal protection of monuments and their professional care.

Science and research in heritage conservation cover a wide range of the statutory activities of the National Heritage Institute and include many fields and specialisations. Research is carried out at all NHI departments operating throughout the Czech Republic. The high degree of interdisciplinarity of the research conducted requires extensive cooperation with partner organisations.

The organization and implementation of scientific research activities at the National Institute of Natural History is a multilayered and complex process, both professionally and administratively. Smooth cooperation between partners and communication with providers is ensured by the Department of the Scientific Secretary.

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PhDr. Valburga Vavřinová, Ph.D.

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  • BE8524BE-6F17-4546-AA87-2998DE46E495 257 010 128, 721 587 715
46F7E700-59DD-49E2-B445-AA370B18658A Directorate-General
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Bc. Olga Vacula

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  • BE8524BE-6F17-4546-AA87-2998DE46E495 257 010 121, 602 468 480
46F7E700-59DD-49E2-B445-AA370B18658A Directorate-General
Valdštejnské náměstí 162/3, Praha 11801