
Archaeological sites buried under the ground are rare and unique testimony of life of our ancestors. The National Heritage Institute belongs to institutions that provide their record keeping, recognition and protection.

The National Heritage Institute is authorized to perform archaeological surveys in the Czech Republic, with both rescue and research purposes. That’s because the whole country is the territory with archaeological findings, so any building activity that requires earthworks must be reported to an institution authorized to perform the surveys. Primarily, it’s the Institute of Archaeology at the Academy of Sciences, but there are also other specialized workplaces, including the National Heritage Institute.

What do the archaeologists in the National Heritage Institute do?

In addition to monitoring the conditions of archaeological sites in the relevant territory, they prepare written statements as the expert background for statements of regional authorities and municipalities. They also prepare written statements regarding master planning, and suggestions to include new sites in the Central List of Cultural Assets. They also sit in archaeological committees and take part in negotiations during restorations and reconstructions of buildings in protected zones. They perform rescue archaeological surveys in the protected zones, and several sites, such as Brno, České Budějovice, Pardubice, Plzeň, or Telč, also provide archaeological surveys for buildings managed by the National Heritage Institute.

Regional sites

In addition to the National Heritage Institute headquarters, there are eight regional sites with archaeological departments: Prague, Ostrava, Olomouc, České Budějovice, Pilsen, Pardubice, Telč and Brno.

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