Simple guide

We will help you to take care of your property, if it is protected, and show you how to gather all necessary documents.


Is your house listed as protected?

Are you buying an old building, or are you intending to renovate a building in the centre of a historic town? You may not be sure whether it is affected by heritage regulations. You will find the answer in the catalogue of heritage buildings.

monument database

My building is not protected

That doesn’t mean that it doesn‘t deserve good-quality care. We can offer you advice and consultation – and you may also wish to have a look at our inspiring examples of finished renovations.

My building is protected

How you proceed depends on whether the protection relates to the individual building or to the whole area. Here’s how to find out the difference, and what it means for you as the owner.


What is protected, why and how

Owning a historic building has its limitations, as well as its advantages. We can provide you with free expert help – and you may find that the need to respect the legal regulations may be offset by gaining a financial grant. We can advise you on your options.

What is protected, why and how


A detailed, step-by-step guide

Both the renovation and the ordinary maintenance of a historic building require a certain amount of paperwork. We take you through the process step by step, pointing out the most frequent mistakes that you should avoid.

detailed guide


Contact your heritage officer

Find contact details for your local heritage officers and discuss your aims with them. Here we tell you what they will want from you, and what they can offer you.

heritage officers according to regions

Common issues


Clothes make the man and a facade up to a point ‘makes’ the house.

Windows, doors and others

Windows, doors, gates, storefronts etc. are not only a functional part of a building but also an aesthetic one.

Historic structures and components

Every building consists of structures and components like load-bearing walls, ceilings, vaults, roof structures and others made from a variety of materials.

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